Lijst van College en universiteiten in Newzeland
Murrays Bay Intermediate School
Northcross Intermediate School
Owairaka District school
Strathmore Community School
Wakaaranga School
AUT University of Lincoln University of Massey University of de Universiteit van Auckland
de Universiteit van Canterbury
de Universiteit van Otago
de Universiteit van Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Oost Institute of Technology, Hawke's Bay vakantie Mahurangi Technisch Instituut
Manukau Institute of Technology
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
Otago Polytechnic
Southern Institute of Technology
< li> Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Tairawhiti Polytechnic
De Open Hogeschool van Nieuw-Zeeland
Unitec New Zealand
Universal College of Learning (UCOL)
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Wellington Institute of Technology
Western Instituut voor Technologie van Taranaki (WITT)
Whitireia Gemeenschap Polytechnic
WINTEC (Waikato Institute of Technology)
Engels Taal Providers
ABC College van Engels
Alpha Educational Institute of Aspirant Taal Insititute
Canterbury College
Cathedral Academy
CCEL (Christchurch College of Engels)
Cornell Institute of Business & Technology
Dominion Engels Scholen
ECN Engels Academy
Edenz Colleges
EF International Language School
Engels Taal Matters Ltd
ETC Learning Centre
Excel Engels College
Varen School van het Engels
International College van Auckland
International Education Institute of Lake Wanaka Talencentrum
Massey University Engels Talencentrum
Nieuw-Zeeland Beheer Academies (NZMA)
North Shore taal school
De Universiteit van Auckland Engels Language Academy
De Universiteit van Waikato Language Institute
Turning Point Education Ltd
Unique New Zealand
University of Canterbury Engels Language Centre
University of Otago Talencentrum
UUNZ Institute van bedrijf
Stichting Studies
ACG Norton - AUT