Lijst van College en universiteiten in Newzeland
International Foundation Certificate
ACG NZIC - Universiteit van Auckland Stichting Studies
Massey Universitaire Stichting Studies Programme
De Universiteit van Waikato Stichting Studies
University of Canterbury Stichting Studies
University of Otago Talencentrum en Basisjaar
Private Training Provider
Abacus Institute of Studies
ACE Computer Training Ltd
ACG - Academisch Colleges Groep Victoire Air New Zealand Airline Training
AIS St Helens (Auckland Institute of Studies Limited)
Ames IT Academie
Avonmore Tertiair Institute of AWI - International Education Group
Canterbury Sports Management College
Computer Macht Institute of Crown Institute of Studies
DAS Training Solutions Limited
Design and Arts College van Nieuw-Zeeland
Eagle Flight Training Ltd
Electec College of Technology
Elite Internationale School van de Schoonheid en Spa therapieën
Freelance Animation School
Hungry Creek Art & Craft School
International Aviation Academy of New Zealand
International Pacific College
International Travel College van Nieuw-Zeeland
Lifeway College
Media Design School
Natcoll Design Technology
Nationale Trade Academy
< li> Nieuw-Zeeland Career College
Nieuw-Zeeland College of Business
Nieuw-Zeeland College van Massage
New Zealand School of Dance
Nieuw-Zeeland School of Education
Nieuw-Zeeland School of Food and Wine
Nieuw-Zeeland Tertiair College
Newton College of Business & Technology
North Shore International Academy (NSIA)
NZ College van de Chinese Geneeskunde
NZ College van Early Childhood Education
Pacific International Hotel Management School
Phlair International College
Quantum Education Group
Queenstown Resort College
Raffles College of Design and Commerce
Servilles Academie van Kappen
South Pacific College van Natuurlijke
Taylors College
De Nationale School voor Esthetica
De Professional Bar & Restaurant School
Reizen Careers & Training BV
Vision College
Waikato Institute Onderwijs
Wellpark College van Natuurlijke therapieën